Friday, May 4, 2007

Hallstatt Wiki Edit

I chose Hallstatt, a tiny Austrian town, for my final Wikipedia article. As I have mentioned in earlier blogs, I will be traveling through Europe this July, and stumbled upon this place in a book entitled "Europe Through the Back Door" (which is excellent, by the way. Highly recommeded.) The article featured on Wiki about this town doesn't really do it justice and states mainly background information such as history. I thought it would be helpful to include a bit of information that goes a little something like this: "Hallstatt is a popular tourist attraction due to it's "to town" appeal and can be toured on foot in ten minutes flat." You can check out my edit here!


Katie S. said...

Cool Kerr. I'm excited to visit
Hallstatt this summer. Can't wait!

Kerri Angell said...

Yeah me too! There are so many neat places we will have to check out. I've discussed the ice caves and salt mines in my wiki edits, so you should check them out and let me know if you'd be interested in exploring them! :)